This is a wrapper for 'cvs log', automating some of the arguments and reformatting the output, including patchfile generation.For instance, given a date in YYYYMMDD format, it "defaults" to morning (00:00) for the --start argument, but defaults to evening (23:59) for the --end argument. It also calculates the GMT offset for you, and figures out if your CVS client supports the -S log option. The --verbose option turns on visual diffs in the "detail" mode, and turns on comments in the "table" mode.
mzieg $ --help 1.9, by Mark Zieg Usage: [--start yyyymmdd[hhmm]] [--end yyyymmdd[hhmm]] [--who name] [--verbose] [--table] [--patchfile pathname] [--help] mzieg $ --start 20030423 PROJ/tools/cm/ Rev: 1.7 Date: 2003/04/23 14:07:15 Who: mzieg Mods: added 40 lines, deleted 0 lines Note: added usage PROJ/tools/cm/ Rev: 1.8 Date: 2003/04/29 16:25:12 Who: mzieg Mods: added 93 lines, deleted 31 lines Note: major cleanup Rev: 1.7 Date: 2003/04/28 22:29:33 Who: mzieg Mods: added 270 lines, deleted 65 lines Note: added --table option; general cleanup Rev: 1.6 Date: 2003/04/24 22:44:41 Who: sam Mods: added 13 lines, deleted 3 lines Note: fixed for Linux Rev: 1.5 Date: 2003/04/24 22:07:26 Who: josh Mods: added 181 lines, deleted 39 lines Note: merged SGI fixes back into trunk mzieg $ --start 20030423 --who mzieg PROJ/tools/cm/ Rev: 1.7 Date: 2003/04/23 14:07:15 Who: mzieg Mods: added 40 lines, deleted 0 lines Note: added usage PROJ/tools/cm/ Rev: 1.8 Date: 2003/04/29 16:25:12 Who: mzieg Mods: added 93 lines, deleted 31 lines Note: major cleanup Rev: 1.7 Date: 2003/04/28 22:29:33 Who: mzieg Mods: added 270 lines, deleted 65 lines Note: added --table option; general cleanup mzieg $ --start 20030423 --table PROJ/tools/cm/ mzieg 1.7 2003/04/23 14:07:15 +40 0 PROJ/tools/cm/ mzieg 1.8 2003/04/29 16:25:12 +93 -31 PROJ/tools/cm/ mzieg 1.7 2003/04/28 22:29:33 +270 -65 PROJ/tools/cm/ sam 1.6 2003/04/24 22:44:41 +13 -3 PROJ/tools/cm/ josh 1.5 2003/04/24 22:07:26 +181 -39 mzieg $ --start 20030423 --who mzieg --table --verbose PROJ/tools/cm/ mzieg 1.7 2003/04/23 14:07:15 +40 0 added usage PROJ/tools/cm/ mzieg 1.8 2003/04/29 16:25:12 +93 -31 major cleanup PROJ/tools/cm/ mzieg 1.7 2003/04/28 22:29:33 +270 -65 added --table option; general cleanup PROJ/tools/cm/ sam 1.6 2003/04/24 22:44:41 +13 -3 fixed for Linux PROJ/tools/cm/ josh 1.5 2003/04/24 22:07:26 +181 -39 merged SGI fixes back into trunk mzieg $ --start 20030423 --end 20030423 --verbose PROJ/tools/cm/ Rev: 1.7 Date: 2003/04/23 14:07:15 Who: mzieg Mods: added 40 lines, deleted 0 lines Note: added usage cvs -Q diff -r1.6 -r1.7 88a89,97 > #! @if do we have any arguments? > if( $#ARGV != -1 ) > { > #! yes, we have arguments -- print usage and die. > Usage(); > exit( 1 ); > } > #! endif > [snip]
Mark Zieg <>